1. B.P.P.E (Renewed – 2024 )
Verification of Exempt Status with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education of California, USA. Under the name of Wycliffe University & A.T.S
B.P.P.E (Year: 2022)
B.P.P.E (Year: 2020)
B.P.P.E (Year: 2019)
B.P.P.E (Year: 2014)
President name: Mok, Young Soo
Application #: 26662
Verified approved: May 13, 2014
Education code #:94874(ex1)
C.C.R #: 71395, C.C.R Section: 71110
P.O. Box 980818, West
Sacramento, California 95798-0818
website: www.bppe.gov
phone(s): (916) 574-7720, 1-888-370-7589, fax: (916) 574-8646.
CED sections 94910, 94928, 94929, and 94949.5 and Title 5, California Code of Regulations (C.C.R.) section 74112.
2. Nonprofit Religious Corporation (#C3851037)
We have also obtained Articles of Incorporation from Secretary of State-State of California under the name of Wycliffe University & A.T.S.
Approval #: C3851037
EIN #: 81-0782254President : Mok, Paul Young
phone: (916) 845-4171
3. Foreign N.G.O
4) Tax Information
I.R.S Tax exemption #: 17053034306016
Employer I.D #: 81-0782254
C.C.N #: 3851037(Franchise Tax Board)