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How real people said about Wycliffe University.

Dr. David K Park
When I first visited the seminary was in June of 2012 for three weeks. It was a privilege to get to travel to the continent where humanity originated, but moreover, it was overwhelming to visit a seminary on this great continent. Much of the credit for this accomplishment goes to Dr. Mok, the missionary who had already traveled to Africa more than 15 times at that time to monitor the seminary’s progress and bring it to where it is today.
I pray that this seminary will help cultivate not only pastors of the future but also scholars of God’s word. The last time I visited this region there were other religions that were continuing to gain power and plague the area. In order to take a firm stand against such influences, it is so important that this seminary helps to strongly instill the fundamentals of Christianity.
I am hopeful this seminary will serve as a place where current and future pastors and scholars can share their experiences and journey in Christ – a place where such growth and discussion can flourish is so crucial in today’s harrowing world.
To everyone who visits this page – I ask that you continue to pray for this seminary. Thank you.

Daudi H. Chidawali
The Archbishop of Gospel Christ Church- GCC in Tanzania
“By God’s grace, Wycliffe University & ATS have been the answer. May God bless the person who received the vision of bringing Wycliffe University program in Africa. This vision is the hand of God to Africa.”
Gahanayi Deo
Pastor, a Wycliffe University PhD candidate
"Wycliffe University is extending its territorial branches establishment in East Africa country. Much as its extends geographically Wycliffe University is rapidly, zealously and sacrificially its fame with respect to the following: That high institution of learning is fully evangelical; fully spiritual and fully mission oriented"
Jean Marie
"I was the first one who registered in that Wycliffe University and our graduation day didn’t delay where it took place on June 2012.
I give thanks to God who answered my prayer after 15 years.
I am so grateful to God for having Wycliffe University & ATS, especially in Africa!! Because me and my friend are built spiritually and immensely."
Jung Kil Suh
Pastor, Th. D Candidate of Wycliffe University and A.T.S
“From this perspective, Wycliffe University provides hope to this chaotic times. Wycliffe strives to produce leaders who nurture life based on evangelical faith of learning, knowing, sharing, and acting on the Truth."

Kayongo Stephen
Pastor, Coordinator of Wycliffe University - Uganda
“To confirm our dream, All Pastors who heard about our school were so excited and they felt that God was answering their prayers for their ministries too through our school.”
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