Interview Assignment
1. When did you first sense that God was calling you into ministry and what role, if any, did those around you (family, mentors, friend, etc.) play in your positive response to that call?
1) When I was in charge of service of military, I had felt and met Him deeply with my soul
2) My mother played in my ministry to call.
2. What have been some of your greatest satisfactions in ministry
1) Training people to make disciples of Jesus
2) To see people who received Jesus-Christ like the Lord.
3) After built up church construction
3. What have been some of your greatest disappointments in ministry?
1) Church member is going to move another church
2) Realizing my poor ability in ministry
4. What resources have you found most helpful in nourishing your own spiritual life?
1) Q.T with Bible
2) Prayer in Holy Spirit
3) Praising the Lord with all my soul
5. What period of Church History, in your estimation, most resembles our own?
1) the ancient history of church
2) a modern history of church
6. What role, if any, have the people, events and issues of Christian history played in shaping your ministry?
1) My mother and wife’s prayer
2) Especially a revival of Korean church history
7. If you had the opportunity to speak to a group of seminary students, what would you want them to know about ministry?
1) To know ministry must be focused people in stead of events/works
2) To know Spirituality is more important than intellectuality
3) To know anything in ministry could’nt be done without Prayer
8. What role, if any, do you think the church should play in spreading the Gospel and in addressing the needs of the larger community?
9. What in your estimation are the major issues facing the Christian community today?
1) Compromising with secularization
2) People is not willing to gather at church
3) They knows God’s law, but do not keep it
10. What make you most hopeful about he future of the Christian church?
1) Church minister in preaching a congregation should go back to the Bible.
I mean that the gospel(the cross, the resurrection, the second- advant of Christ) must be given to them in sunday service.